Singing Through and Beyond Menopause

Many of us experience physical or emotional changes during menopause. These can present vocal challenges and sometimes it takes time to adjust to the new vocal identity we develop. Some people find it useful to work on their vocal technique during this time and others find that singing helps in developing or regaining their confidence. I can support you during this process and I can work with you one to one, or with groups of menopausal singers.
If you'd like to discuss one to one lessons then contact me or take a look at the Singing Lessons page of this website
To read Kathleen's article 'Menopausal Voice Change' CLICK HERE
If you'd like to sign up for the Singing Through and Beyond Menopause newsletter to receive news on new menopausal voice projects and singing groups, CLICK HERE
If you have experienced menopause, perimenopause or menopausal change and you use your voice in your hobbies or work, Kathleen would love to speak to you about your experience. If you could spare 30 mins for a chat about the physical, social or psychological effects of menopause and voice change then find out more and get in touch HERE